About Tom Miranda
Television producer, trapper and adventure bowhunter Tom Miranda is no stranger to outdoorsmen. In the mid 1980’s Miranda gained notoriety as a professional trapper who offered trapping lessons on VHS video. Miranda was a pilot and used his small airplane to operate his trapline, a novelty that made his video instructions popular.
Tom Miranda is known as one of the original video trapping instructors and his video courses are not only very informative, but remain a cornerstone of the trapping industry.
Miranda made 15 original trapping programs in the mid-1980’s of which eight were commissioned by Fur-Fish-Game magazine. All of these historical programs are still sold today on DVD.
Also, a bowhunter, Miranda began making hunting videos and by 1992 had his own adventure TV series on ESPN. Tom soon became know on ESPN as the crazy bowhunter who would do anything…. as his adventure show featured adrenaline stunts like sky diving, bull riding and bungee jumping.....along with his world class bowhunting. Miranda is known as one of the most accomplished bowhunters in the world having earned both the archery Super Slam and SCI World Hunting Award ring.
There is no question that with the popularity of his video trapping programs, bowhunting DVD’s and television exposure worldwide, Miranda has carried the torch for hunters and trappers…… educating millions of outdoorsmen to the ways of the wild.
With permission from Tom Miranda, TrapShed Supply Co. is sharing Tom’s historic “how to” trapping instruction classes.
View Our Selection of Tom Miranda's Lures, Books, & Training DVD’s